
Daily Offices: Evening Prayers

One of the great gifts of the Anglican tradition that we have inherited are the daily (prayer) offices of Morning & Evening Prayer, also called Mattins and Evensong. They are brief, structured services of daily prayer that engage us in reading and praying scripture.

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Welcome Tea for Sr. Dorothy Handrigan, SSJD and Shannon Epp

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Welcome Tea on Wednesday, March 26th at St. Mary's Church Hall, Summerside from 3 - 4 pm

Sr. Dorothy, SSJD is Oblate Director of SSJD. Shannon serves as the Communications Coordinator and the Coordinator of the Companions Program at SSJD.  The Sisterhood of St. John the Divine (SSJD), founded in Toronto in 1884, is a contemporary expression of the religious life for women within the Anglican Church of Canada. 

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March 27th | 9:30am - 3:30pm

Ste. Marguerite Bourgeoys Centre, Summerside (The Convent)

Join Sister Dorothy Handrigan, of the Society of St. John the Divine - a religious order of nuns within the Anglican Church of Canada - for a quiet day to equip us with methods and tools for our prayer lives

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Choir Practice

Choir Practice

  • St. Mary's Anglican Church, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our Sunday choir is a great opportunity to flex your singing skills or learn how to sing with a choir under the direction of an organist and choir director.

Our Director, Sandy Fraser, leads the parish choir each Sunday and runs a practice every Thursday, and our choir sings from a wide repertoire of traditional choral hymnody, anthems, and motets to more contemporary hymns.

All are welcome to join - you don’t need to be a member of the parish or even an Anglican to take part! If you are interested in getting more information please contact us in the office.

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Daily Offices: Morning Prayers

One of the great gifts of the Anglican tradition that we have inherited are the daily (prayer) offices of Morning & Evening Prayer, also called Mattins and Evensong. They are brief, structured services of daily prayer that engage us in reading and praying scripture.

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A much loved local custom that stopped during COVID - the Lenten Lunch series, organized by the Summerside & Area Christian Council. For four weeks join other churches in the area for a brief service and message from a different local pastor, followed by a light soup lunch.

March 21st - St. Paul’s Catholic Church

March 28th - Summerside Presbyterian Church

April 4th - St. Mary’s Anglican Church

April 11th - Summerside Community Church

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Daily Offices: Evening Prayers

One of the great gifts of the Anglican tradition that we have inherited are the daily (prayer) offices of Morning & Evening Prayer, also called Mattins and Evensong. They are brief, structured services of daily prayer that engage us in reading and praying scripture.

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Fridays in Lent - 7:00pm

St. Mary’s & St. John’s Throughout Lent we will gather on Friday evenings at 7:00pm for a simple service of Evening Prayer, accompanied by a brief reflection by your fellow parishioners on one of Jesus’ ‘last word’s from the cross’, the seven last things he spoke in this life

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The Recollected Present: A Parish Quiet Day

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Quiet days are an important tradition in many Anglican parishes, especially in Lent and Advent, as ways of stilling our minds and hearts even for a brief time as we gather to worship, pray, and meditate in silence on a particular theme and talk. The Rector will be delivering three brief meditations punctuated by times of reflective silence on the role of memory in Lent and Holy Week, and how things that seem like past is really part of the eternal present

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The Fourth Sunday in Lent

The Fourth Sunday in Lent

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us this Sunday as we celebrate the Fourth Sunday in Lent, with three opportunities to worship:

8:00am - Said Holy Communion at St. Mary’s, Summerside
9:15am - Holy Communion & Hymns at St. John’s, St. Eleanors
10:45am - Sung Holy Communion at St. Mary’s, Summerside

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Lunch & Learn

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Sundays at Coffee Hour until Palm Sunday Through Lent we will be giving our hard-working coffee hour teams a break as we restructure and reorganize the teams. Instead of normal coffee hour we invite you bring along a snack or brown-bag lunch (we will provide the coffee & tea!) to watch a brief and accessible video on what it means to be a Disciple through the lens of St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians. The brief video is followed by a chance to eat at our tables and share in casual discussion about what we’ve heard. All are welcome to attend these each Sunday!

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Daily Offices: Morning Prayers

One of the great gifts of the Anglican tradition that we have inherited are the daily (prayer) offices of Morning & Evening Prayer, also called Mattins and Evensong. They are brief, structured services of daily prayer that engage us in reading and praying scripture.

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Daily Offices: Evening Prayers

One of the great gifts of the Anglican tradition that we have inherited are the daily (prayer) offices of Morning & Evening Prayer, also called Mattins and Evensong. They are brief, structured services of daily prayer that engage us in reading and praying scripture.

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Knitting Group

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The knitting group meets the first, third and (fifth) Wednesdays of the month.  1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the Church Hall.  New members are always welcome, or even someone who wants to drop in anc chat for a bit.  We don't bother with tea or coffee.  We have yarn available for people who want to knit for charity.  Or people can just knit what they want.  It is a social gathering.  For more information contact Janet!

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Choir Practice

Choir Practice

Our Sunday choir is a great opportunity to flex your singing skills or learn how to sing with a choir under the direction of an organist and choir director.

Our Director, Sandy Fraser, leads the parish choir each Sunday and runs a practice every Thursday, and our choir sings from a wide repertoire of traditional choral hymnody, anthems, and motets to more contemporary hymns.

All are welcome to join - you don’t need to be a member of the parish or even an Anglican to take part! If you are interested in getting more information please contact us in the office.

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Daily Offices: Morning Prayers

One of the great gifts of the Anglican tradition that we have inherited are the daily (prayer) offices of Morning & Evening Prayer, also called Mattins and Evensong. They are brief, structured services of daily prayer that engage us in reading and praying scripture.

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  • Parish of St. Mary's and St. John's Anglican Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


A much loved local custom that stopped during COVID - the Lenten Lunch series, organized by the Summerside & Area Christian Council. For four weeks join other churches in the area for a brief service and message from a different local pastor, followed by a light soup lunch.

March 21st - St. Paul’s Catholic Church

March 28th - Summerside Presbyterian Church

April 4th - St. Mary’s Anglican Church

April 11th - Summerside Community Church

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Daily Offices: Evening Prayers

One of the great gifts of the Anglican tradition that we have inherited are the daily (prayer) offices of Morning & Evening Prayer, also called Mattins and Evensong. They are brief, structured services of daily prayer that engage us in reading and praying scripture.

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Fridays in Lent - 7:00pm

St. Mary’s & St. John’s Throughout Lent we will gather on Friday evenings at 7:00pm for a simple service of Evening Prayer, accompanied by a brief reflection by your fellow parishioners on one of Jesus’ ‘last word’s from the cross’, the seven last things he spoke in this life

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Feed My Sheep

Feed My Sheep

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

St. Mary’s Parish Hall hosts a free breakfast program every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month with two rotating breakfast teams. To join one of the breakfast teams contact the office at the Parish Hall, Donald MacFadzen-Reid or Ruth Sudsbury.

If you are not able to volunteer but wish to contribute, the program is always accepting donations, contact Office admin, Donald or Ruth to make donation most meaningful.

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Passion Sunday

Passion Sunday

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us this Sunday as we celebrate Passion Sunday, with three opportunities to worship:

8:00am - Said Holy Communion at St. Mary’s, Summerside
9:15am - Holy Communion & Hymns at St. John’s, St. Eleanors
10:45am - Sung Holy Communion at St. Mary’s, Summerside

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Lunch & Learn

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Sundays at Coffee Hour until Palm Sunday Through Lent we will be giving our hard-working coffee hour teams a break as we restructure and reorganize the teams. Instead of normal coffee hour we invite you bring along a snack or brown-bag lunch (we will provide the coffee & tea!) to watch a brief and accessible video on what it means to be a Disciple through the lens of St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians. The brief video is followed by a chance to eat at our tables and share in casual discussion about what we’ve heard. All are welcome to attend these each Sunday!

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Daily Offices: Morning Prayers

One of the great gifts of the Anglican tradition that we have inherited are the daily (prayer) offices of Morning & Evening Prayer, also called Mattins and Evensong. They are brief, structured services of daily prayer that engage us in reading and praying scripture.

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Daily Offices: Evening Prayers

One of the great gifts of the Anglican tradition that we have inherited are the daily (prayer) offices of Morning & Evening Prayer, also called Mattins and Evensong. They are brief, structured services of daily prayer that engage us in reading and praying scripture.

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Choir Practice

Choir Practice

  • St. Mary's Anglican Church, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our Sunday choir is a great opportunity to flex your singing skills or learn how to sing with a choir under the direction of an organist and choir director.

Our Director, Sandy Fraser, leads the parish choir each Sunday and runs a practice every Thursday, and our choir sings from a wide repertoire of traditional choral hymnody, anthems, and motets to more contemporary hymns.

All are welcome to join - you don’t need to be a member of the parish or even an Anglican to take part! If you are interested in getting more information please contact us in the office.

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Daily Offices: Morning Prayers

One of the great gifts of the Anglican tradition that we have inherited are the daily (prayer) offices of Morning & Evening Prayer, also called Mattins and Evensong. They are brief, structured services of daily prayer that engage us in reading and praying scripture.

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A much loved local custom that stopped during COVID - the Lenten Lunch series, organized by the Summerside & Area Christian Council. For four weeks join other churches in the area for a brief service and message from a different local pastor, followed by a light soup lunch.

March 21st - St. Paul’s Catholic Church

March 28th - Summerside Presbyterian Church

April 4th - St. Mary’s Anglican Church

April 11th - Summerside Community Church

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Daily Offices: Evening Prayers

One of the great gifts of the Anglican tradition that we have inherited are the daily (prayer) offices of Morning & Evening Prayer, also called Mattins and Evensong. They are brief, structured services of daily prayer that engage us in reading and praying scripture.

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Fridays in Lent - 7:00pm

St. Mary’s & St. John’s Throughout Lent we will gather on Friday evenings at 7:00pm for a simple service of Evening Prayer, accompanied by a brief reflection by your fellow parishioners on one of Jesus’ ‘last word’s from the cross’, the seven last things he spoke in this life

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Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

This monthly gathering for men of the parish (and the community!) is an opportunity to break bread together, share in spiritual fellowship, chat and catch up, and look ahead to ways that we may serve the parish and the community.

Join us at the Hall at 9am for breakfast.

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Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

PALM SUNDAY SERVICES - April 13th, 2025

8:00am - Said Holy Communion w/ Blessing of Palms, St. Mary’s.

9:15am - Holy Communion w/ Blessing of Palms, St. John’s, St. Eleanors.

10:45am - Sung Holy Communion w/ Blessing of Palms and Procession, St. Mary’s
(For our 10:45am service, please gather in the Parish Hall first)

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Lunch & Learn

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Sundays at Coffee Hour until Palm Sunday Through Lent we will be giving our hard-working coffee hour teams a break as we restructure and reorganize the teams. Instead of normal coffee hour we invite you bring along a snack or brown-bag lunch (we will provide the coffee & tea!) to watch a brief and accessible video on what it means to be a Disciple through the lens of St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians. The brief video is followed by a chance to eat at our tables and share in casual discussion about what we’ve heard. All are welcome to attend these each Sunday!

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Daily Offices: Morning Prayers

One of the great gifts of the Anglican tradition that we have inherited are the daily (prayer) offices of Morning & Evening Prayer, also called Mattins and Evensong. They are brief, structured services of daily prayer that engage us in reading and praying scripture.

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Daily Offices: Evening Prayers

One of the great gifts of the Anglican tradition that we have inherited are the daily (prayer) offices of Morning & Evening Prayer, also called Mattins and Evensong. They are brief, structured services of daily prayer that engage us in reading and praying scripture.

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Knitting Group

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The knitting group meets the first, third and (fifth) Wednesdays of the month.  1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the Church Hall.  New members are always welcome, or even someone who wants to drop in anc chat for a bit.  We don't bother with tea or coffee.  We have yarn available for people who want to knit for charity.  Or people can just knit what they want.  It is a social gathering.  For more information contact Janet!

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Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday Services- April 17, 2025

Join us on Maundy Thursday as we gather to commemorate the first Eucharist - the Last Supper that Jesus had with his disciples before his betrayal and crucifixion.

We invite any who are present to come forward at the time of the foot washing to have their feet washed, remembering Jesus’ words,

If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master; nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent him. If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them. (John 13:14-17)

This is a deeply moving opportunity in which the Rector washes the feet of those present reminding them that it is the example of Jesus who told us that just as he has served us, so should we serve each other.

Holy Communion begins at 7:00pm and is followed by the traditional vigil at the Altar of Repose until midnight - a time of quiet prayer for us to gather in Jesus’ presence, to meditate upon his love and passion, and to prepare ourselves for the coming days. All are welcome to attend any of the Vigil from the end of the service through to midnight.

St. Mary’s, Summerside

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Good Friday

Good Friday

Good Friday Service- April 18th, 2025

We welcome you to join us on Good Friday - the most solemn day of our church year - as we commemorate Jesus’ death on the cross and meditate upon what it means for us.

The Good Friday service, which will include some hymns, is always quiet, meditative, and prayerful.

11am at St. John’s, St. Eleanors

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Feed My Sheep

Feed My Sheep

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

St. Mary’s Parish Hall hosts a free breakfast program every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month with two rotating breakfast teams. To join one of the breakfast teams contact the office at the Parish Hall, Donald MacFadzen-Reid or Ruth Sudsbury.

If you are not able to volunteer but wish to contribute, the program is always accepting donations, contact Office admin, Donald or Ruth to make donation most meaningful.

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Easter Vigil

Easter Vigil

HOLY SATURDAY EASTER VIGIL - Saturday, April 19, 2025

From ancient times Christians gathered on the eve of Easter Morning to keep vigil and celebrate the first mass or communion of Easter. This service is one of the richest in imagery and mystery of our whole church year and calls us from darkness into light as we move from the desolation of Jesus’ death to the light of his resurrection.

Join us at 9pm at St. John’s in St. Eleanors and stay afterwards for some refreshments at our Resurrection Reception.

St. John’s, St. Eleanors

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Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

Join us this Sunday as we celebrate the Easter Sunday, with three opportunities to worship:

8:00am - Said Holy Communion at St. Mary’s, Summerside
9:15am - Holy Communion & Hymns at St. John’s, St. Eleanors
10:45am - Sung Holy Communion at St. Mary’s, Summerside (followed by Coffee hour in the Parish hall)

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Choir Practice

Choir Practice

  • St. Mary's Anglican Church, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our Sunday choir is a great opportunity to flex your singing skills or learn how to sing with a choir under the direction of an organist and choir director.

Our Director, Sandy Fraser, leads the parish choir each Sunday and runs a practice every Thursday, and our choir sings from a wide repertoire of traditional choral hymnody, anthems, and motets to more contemporary hymns.

All are welcome to join - you don’t need to be a member of the parish or even an Anglican to take part! If you are interested in getting more information please contact us in the office.

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Sunday after Easter

Sunday after Easter

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us this Sunday as we celebrate the Sunday after Easter, with three opportunities to worship:

8:00am - Said Holy Communion at St. Mary’s, Summerside
9:15am - Holy Communion & Hymns at St. John’s, St. Eleanors
10:45am - Sung Holy Communion at St. Mary’s, Summerside (Coffee Hour to Follow)

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Knitting Group

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The knitting group meets the first, third and (fifth) Wednesdays of the month.  1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the Church Hall.  New members are always welcome, or even someone who wants to drop in anc chat for a bit.  We don't bother with tea or coffee.  We have yarn available for people who want to knit for charity.  Or people can just knit what they want.  It is a social gathering.  For more information contact Janet!

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Choir Practice

Choir Practice

Our Sunday choir is a great opportunity to flex your singing skills or learn how to sing with a choir under the direction of an organist and choir director.

Our Director, Sandy Fraser, leads the parish choir each Sunday and runs a practice every Thursday, and our choir sings from a wide repertoire of traditional choral hymnody, anthems, and motets to more contemporary hymns.

All are welcome to join - you don’t need to be a member of the parish or even an Anglican to take part! If you are interested in getting more information please contact us in the office.

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Feed My Sheep

Feed My Sheep

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

St. Mary’s Parish Hall hosts a free breakfast program every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month with two rotating breakfast teams. To join one of the breakfast teams contact the office at the Parish Hall, Donald MacFadzen-Reid or Ruth Sudsbury.

If you are not able to volunteer but wish to contribute, the program is always accepting donations, contact Office admin, Donald or Ruth to make donation most meaningful.

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Second Sunday after Easter

Second Sunday after Easter

Join us this Sunday as we celebrate the Second Sunday after Easter, with three opportunities to worship:

8:00am - Said Holy Communion at St. Mary’s, Summerside
9:15am - Holy Communion & Hymns at St. John’s, St. Eleanors
10:45am - Sung Holy Communion at St. Mary’s, Summerside (Souper Sunday to Follow)

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Knitting Group

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The knitting group meets the first, third and (fifth) Wednesdays of the month.  1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the Church Hall.  New members are always welcome, or even someone who wants to drop in anc chat for a bit.  We don't bother with tea or coffee.  We have yarn available for people who want to knit for charity.  Or people can just knit what they want.  It is a social gathering.  For more information contact Janet!

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Choir Practice

Choir Practice

Our Sunday choir is a great opportunity to flex your singing skills or learn how to sing with a choir under the direction of an organist and choir director.

Our Director, Sandy Fraser, leads the parish choir each Sunday and runs a practice every Thursday, and our choir sings from a wide repertoire of traditional choral hymnody, anthems, and motets to more contemporary hymns.

All are welcome to join - you don’t need to be a member of the parish or even an Anglican to take part! If you are interested in getting more information please contact us in the office.

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Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

This monthly gathering for men of the parish (and the community!) is an opportunity to break bread together, share in spiritual fellowship, chat and catch up, and look ahead to ways that we may serve the parish and the community.

Join us at the Hall at 9am for breakfast.

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Third Sunday after Easter

Third Sunday after Easter

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us this Sunday as we celebrate the Second Sunday after Easter, with three opportunities to worship:

8:00am - Said Holy Communion at St. Mary’s, Summerside
9:15am - Holy Communion & Hymns at St. John’s, St. Eleanors
10:45am - Sung Holy Communion at St. Mary’s, Summerside (Coffee Hour to Follow)

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Choir Practice

Choir Practice

Our Sunday choir is a great opportunity to flex your singing skills or learn how to sing with a choir under the direction of an organist and choir director.

Our Director, Sandy Fraser, leads the parish choir each Sunday and runs a practice every Thursday, and our choir sings from a wide repertoire of traditional choral hymnody, anthems, and motets to more contemporary hymns.

All are welcome to join - you don’t need to be a member of the parish or even an Anglican to take part! If you are interested in getting more information please contact us in the office.

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Feed My Sheep

Feed My Sheep

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

St. Mary’s Parish Hall hosts a free breakfast program every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month with two rotating breakfast teams. To join one of the breakfast teams contact the office at the Parish Hall, Donald MacFadzen-Reid or Ruth Sudsbury.

If you are not able to volunteer but wish to contribute, the program is always accepting donations, contact Office admin, Donald or Ruth to make donation most meaningful.

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Fourth Sunday after Easter

Fourth Sunday after Easter

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us this Sunday as we celebrate the Fourth Sunday after Easter, with three opportunities to worship:

8:00am - Said Holy Communion at St. Mary’s, Summerside
9:15am - Holy Communion & Hymns at St. John’s, St. Eleanors
10:45am - Sung Holy Communion at St. Mary’s, Summerside (Coffee Hour to Follow)

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Knitting Group

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The knitting group meets the first, third and (fifth) Wednesdays of the month.  1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the Church Hall.  New members are always welcome, or even someone who wants to drop in anc chat for a bit.  We don't bother with tea or coffee.  We have yarn available for people who want to knit for charity.  Or people can just knit what they want.  It is a social gathering.  For more information contact Janet!

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Choir Practice

Choir Practice

Our Sunday choir is a great opportunity to flex your singing skills or learn how to sing with a choir under the direction of an organist and choir director.

Our Director, Sandy Fraser, leads the parish choir each Sunday and runs a practice every Thursday, and our choir sings from a wide repertoire of traditional choral hymnody, anthems, and motets to more contemporary hymns.

All are welcome to join - you don’t need to be a member of the parish or even an Anglican to take part! If you are interested in getting more information please contact us in the office.

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Fifth Sunday after Easter

Fifth Sunday after Easter

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us this Sunday as we celebrate the Fifth Sunday after Easter, with three opportunities to worship:

8:00am - Said Holy Communion at St. Mary’s, Summerside
9:15am - Holy Communion & Hymns at St. John’s, St. Eleanors
10:45am - Sung Holy Communion at St. Mary’s, Summerside (Coffee Hour to Follow)

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Choir Practice

Choir Practice

Our Sunday choir is a great opportunity to flex your singing skills or learn how to sing with a choir under the direction of an organist and choir director.

Our Director, Sandy Fraser, leads the parish choir each Sunday and runs a practice every Thursday, and our choir sings from a wide repertoire of traditional choral hymnody, anthems, and motets to more contemporary hymns.

All are welcome to join - you don’t need to be a member of the parish or even an Anglican to take part! If you are interested in getting more information please contact us in the office.

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Daily Offices: Morning Prayers

One of the great gifts of the Anglican tradition that we have inherited are the daily (prayer) offices of Morning & Evening Prayer, also called Mattins and Evensong. They are brief, structured services of daily prayer that engage us in reading and praying scripture.

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Lunch & Learn

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Sundays at Coffee Hour until Palm Sunday Through Lent we will be giving our hard-working coffee hour teams a break as we restructure and reorganize the teams. Instead of normal coffee hour we invite you bring along a snack or brown-bag lunch (we will provide the coffee & tea!) to watch a brief and accessible video on what it means to be a Disciple through the lens of St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians. The brief video is followed by a chance to eat at our tables and share in casual discussion about what we’ve heard. All are welcome to attend these each Sunday!

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The Third Sunday in Lent

The Third Sunday in Lent

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us this Sunday as we celebrate the Third Sunday in Lent, with three opportunities to worship:

8:00am - Said Holy Communion at St. Mary’s, Summerside
9:15am - Holy Communion & Hymns at St. John’s, St. Eleanors
10:45am - Sung Holy Communion at St. Mary’s, Summerside

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Fridays in Lent - 7:00pm

St. Mary’s & St. John’s Throughout Lent we will gather on Friday evenings at 7:00pm for a simple service of Evening Prayer, accompanied by a brief reflection by your fellow parishioners on one of Jesus’ ‘last word’s from the cross’, the seven last things he spoke in this life

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Daily Offices: Evening Prayers

One of the great gifts of the Anglican tradition that we have inherited are the daily (prayer) offices of Morning & Evening Prayer, also called Mattins and Evensong. They are brief, structured services of daily prayer that engage us in reading and praying scripture.

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A much loved local custom that stopped during COVID - the Lenten Lunch series, organized by the Summerside & Area Christian Council. For four weeks join other churches in the area for a brief service and message from a different local pastor, followed by a light soup lunch.

March 21st - St. Paul’s Catholic Church

March 28th - Summerside Presbyterian Church

April 4th - St. Mary’s Anglican Church

April 11th - Summerside Community Church

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Daily Offices: Morning Prayers

One of the great gifts of the Anglican tradition that we have inherited are the daily (prayer) offices of Morning & Evening Prayer, also called Mattins and Evensong. They are brief, structured services of daily prayer that engage us in reading and praying scripture.

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Choir Practice

Choir Practice

  • St. Mary's Anglican Church, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our Sunday choir is a great opportunity to flex your singing skills or learn how to sing with a choir under the direction of an organist and choir director.

Our Director, Sandy Fraser, leads the parish choir each Sunday and runs a practice every Thursday, and our choir sings from a wide repertoire of traditional choral hymnody, anthems, and motets to more contemporary hymns.

All are welcome to join - you don’t need to be a member of the parish or even an Anglican to take part! If you are interested in getting more information please contact us in the office.

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Knitting Group

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The knitting group meets the first, third and (fifth) Wednesdays of the month.  1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the Church Hall.  New members are always welcome, or even someone who wants to drop in anc chat for a bit.  We don't bother with tea or coffee.  We have yarn available for people who want to knit for charity.  Or people can just knit what they want.  It is a social gathering.  For more information contact Janet!

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Lunch & Learn

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Sundays at Coffee Hour until Palm Sunday Through Lent we will be giving our hard-working coffee hour teams a break as we restructure and reorganize the teams. Instead of normal coffee hour we invite you bring along a snack or brown-bag lunch (we will provide the coffee & tea!) to watch a brief and accessible video on what it means to be a Disciple through the lens of St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians. The brief video is followed by a chance to eat at our tables and share in casual discussion about what we’ve heard. All are welcome to attend these each Sunday!

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The Second Sunday in Lent

The Second Sunday in Lent

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us this Sunday as we celebrate the Second Sunday in Lent, with three opportunities to worship:

8:00am - Said Holy Communion at St. Mary’s, Summerside
9:15am - Holy Communion & Hymns at St. John’s, St. Eleanors
10:45am - Sung Holy Communion at St. Mary’s, Summerside

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Feed My Sheep

Feed My Sheep

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

St. Mary’s Parish Hall hosts a free breakfast program every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month with two rotating breakfast teams. To join one of the breakfast teams contact the office at the Parish Hall, Donald MacFadzen-Reid or Ruth Sudsbury.

If you are not able to volunteer but wish to contribute, the program is always accepting donations, contact Office admin, Donald or Ruth to make donation most meaningful.

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Fridays in Lent - 7:00pm

St. Mary’s & St. John’s Throughout Lent we will gather on Friday evenings at 7:00pm for a simple service of Evening Prayer, accompanied by a brief reflection by your fellow parishioners on one of Jesus’ ‘last word’s from the cross’, the seven last things he spoke in this life

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Choir Practice

Choir Practice

  • St. Mary's Anglican Church, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our Sunday choir is a great opportunity to flex your singing skills or learn how to sing with a choir under the direction of an organist and choir director.

Our Director, Sandy Fraser, leads the parish choir each Sunday and runs a practice every Thursday, and our choir sings from a wide repertoire of traditional choral hymnody, anthems, and motets to more contemporary hymns.

All are welcome to join - you don’t need to be a member of the parish or even an Anglican to take part! If you are interested in getting more information please contact us in the office.

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The First Sunday in Lent

The First Sunday in Lent

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us this Sunday as we celebrate the Fourth Sunday After Trinity, with three opportunities to worship:

8:00am - Said Holy Communion at St. Mary’s, Summerside
9:15am - Holy Communion & Hymns at St. John’s, St. Eleanors
10:45am - Sung Holy Communion at St. Mary’s, Summerside (Coffee Hour to Follow)

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Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

This monthly gathering for men of the parish (and the community!) is an opportunity to break bread together, share in spiritual fellowship, chat and catch up, and look ahead to ways that we may serve the parish and the community.

Join us at the Hall at 9am for breakfast.

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Choir Practice

Choir Practice

Our Sunday choir is a great opportunity to flex your singing skills or learn how to sing with a choir under the direction of an organist and choir director.

Our Director, Sandy Fraser, leads the parish choir each Sunday and runs a practice every Thursday, and our choir sings from a wide repertoire of traditional choral hymnody, anthems, and motets to more contemporary hymns.

All are welcome to join - you don’t need to be a member of the parish or even an Anglican to take part! If you are interested in getting more information please contact us in the office.

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Ash Wednesday Services St. Mary’s

Ash Wednesday Services St. Mary’s

Ash Wednesday in the Parish

ST. MARY’S CHURCH (233 Church Street)

5:30pm - Evening Prayer

6:00pm - ‘Making the Most of Lent’ a brief teaching and Q&A by the Rector, followed by silent prayer until

7:00pm - Sung Holy Communion & Imposition of Ashes

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Knitting Group

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The knitting group meets the first, third and (fifth) Wednesdays of the month.  1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the Church Hall.  New members are always welcome, or even someone who wants to drop in anc chat for a bit.  We don't bother with tea or coffee.  We have yarn available for people who want to knit for charity.  Or people can just knit what they want.  It is a social gathering.  For more information contact Janet!

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  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us this Sunday as we celebrate the Fourth Sunday After Trinity, with three opportunities to worship:

8:00am - Said Holy Communion at St. Mary’s, Summerside
9:15am - Holy Communion & Hymns at St. John’s, St. Eleanors
10:45am - Sung Holy Communion at St. Mary’s, Summerside (Coffee Hour to Follow)

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Feed My Sheep

Feed My Sheep

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

St. Mary’s Parish Hall hosts a free breakfast program every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month with two rotating breakfast teams. To join one of the breakfast teams contact the office at the Parish Hall, Donald MacFadzen-Reid or Ruth Sudsbury.

If you are not able to volunteer but wish to contribute, the program is always accepting donations, contact Office admin, Donald or Ruth to make donation most meaningful.

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Choir Practice

Choir Practice

  • St. Mary's Anglican Church, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our Sunday choir is a great opportunity to flex your singing skills or learn how to sing with a choir under the direction of an organist and choir director.

Our Director, Sandy Fraser, leads the parish choir each Sunday and runs a practice every Thursday, and our choir sings from a wide repertoire of traditional choral hymnody, anthems, and motets to more contemporary hymns.

All are welcome to join - you don’t need to be a member of the parish or even an Anglican to take part! If you are interested in getting more information please contact us in the office.

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  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us this Sunday as we celebrate the Fourth Sunday After Trinity, with three opportunities to worship:

8:00am - Said Holy Communion at St. Mary’s, Summerside
9:15am - Holy Communion & Hymns at St. John’s, St. Eleanors
10:45am - Sung Holy Communion at St. Mary’s, Summerside (Coffee Hour to Follow)

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Choir Practice

Choir Practice

  • St. Mary's Anglican Church, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our Sunday choir is a great opportunity to flex your singing skills or learn how to sing with a choir under the direction of an organist and choir director.

Our Director, Sandy Fraser, leads the parish choir each Sunday and runs a practice every Thursday, and our choir sings from a wide repertoire of traditional choral hymnody, anthems, and motets to more contemporary hymns.

All are welcome to join - you don’t need to be a member of the parish or even an Anglican to take part! If you are interested in getting more information please contact us in the office.

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Knitting Group

  • Parish of St. Mary & St. John, Summerside (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The knitting group meets the first, third and (fifth) Wednesdays of the month.  1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the Church Hall.  New members are always welcome, or even someone who wants to drop in anc chat for a bit.  We don't bother with tea or coffee.  We have yarn available for people who want to knit for charity.  Or people can just knit what they want.  It is a social gathering.  For more information contact Janet!

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